

Bitframes is a generative art project by Matt DesLauriers. Inspired by punched cards and early computer art
Matt coded this open source artwork in 32 bytes of data. After randomly generating a piece you can ”mint it to the blockchain“. I don't really care about this part, but the graphics are surprisingly varied and beautiful! I wish I could download the graphics in high resolution.

I started experimenting with the ActivityPub Plugin in Wordpress. So I currently have TWO blogs, the one you are reading here, running on github.com/knot-system* and a Wordpress blog over at social.tilman.me*.

Please pardon the mess …


John Provencher, independent artist and image-maker based in New York City. He is very deep into generative graphics, creative coding and glitchy digital aesthetics. His website is equally great: Definitely not easy to navigate first, but the graphics are so interesting that I dug along until I understood it. You can switch between two modes by clicking on the upper left box. One mode shows text info and an overview of the graphics, the other all graphics in a slideshow where you navigate by clicking anywhere left or right. It works beautifully, even on mobile.


Patrik Hübner visited us yesterday for a guest lecture and Q&A. He talked about »Co-Creating With Technology«. His website is chock full of great examples of creative code thoughtfully applied into brands and stories. Great web design too, built on WordPress, check it out: www.patrik-huebner.com*

Weird Web October

Jay Zuerndorfer started »Weird Web October«, a challenge to make a website each day of October, based on a daily theme. Every one is invited and you can do any technology, as long as it has a URI. October is already ending soon, so there is a lot of entries to check out.


WWO is using a technology called Octothorpes, which introduces hashtags and backlinks that can be used anywhere on the web across a network of domains. I have to check this out in depth.

