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Homebrew Website Club @ Nürnberg Digital

Thanks to all the lovely people joining us for Homebrew Website Club last night! Such an inspiration to meet you all. Keep the web growing! See you next Wednesday, July 10, at LEONARDO co-working space (2nd floor).

Björn’s slides: stierand.org/talks/2024/indieweb-hwc/#*

My slides: tilman.me/content/posts/2024/07/2024-07-04_11-22-12_homebrew-website-club-nurnberg-digital/HWC-Talk-2024-07-03.pdf*

Max’ photos: photos.maxhaessle.in/2024-07-03_hwc*

Homebrew Website Club Gründungsgeschichte: tantek.com/2013/322/b1/homebrew-computer-club-reunion-inspiration*

Paul Graham: How to do Great Work

I had a wonderful online moment meeting Paul Graham’s website. I came for the „How to do Great Work“, an essay full of thoughtful advice and interesting thoughts. That kind of wisdom that comes from taking part in the world with an open mind and working hard for several years. Fortunately, Mr Graham took the time to think things through and put them in clear words on his website. He is also founded the Y Combinator and is a very popular and successful programmer and business guy, but I did not know that, and actually it did not matter to me.

It shocked me how bland and technically outdated his website is. Table layouts? Text as images? Is it 1995 again? More shocking: It does not matter. I read four more of his essays, despite the boring typography, layout and an unusual lack of imagery.

Do not overthink and over-engineer your websites, people. Content is king!


Pub Choir: 18.000 amateurs sing a song together. As simple as it is, compressed into a professional YouTube video, it turns into a suprisingly touching online moment …

My Geometry Daily artworks were shown at the Mathematics Day Istanbul! I wish I could have been there.

Simon recreated one of my Geometry Dailies as an animated shader. 60 frames per second!


