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Sonoma video wallpaper meditation magic

You probably already know about the new MacOS Sonoma video wallpapers. But with the right settings it gets even better! Go to MacOS settings, choose "Shuffle Landscape" for the wallpaper AND the screensaver. Turn on "Show as wallpaper/screensaver" at the top of both panels. Now, each day nw MacOS surprises with a new gorgeous extra-high quality view of 61 (!) spectacular landscapes.

I even set one of my "Active Corners" to start the screensaver. Whenever I want to, I can now seamlessly dive into my wallpaper! Better than most meditation apps. The video comes to a smooth halt and stays, when I move the mouse and get back to work. Apple Magic™️!

(Be warned though: The videos are downloaded in the background and stay on the hard drive. Each file is from 200 MB to 1,3 GB!)

Of course I will be at border:none next Thursday and Friday. So many great speakers right in Nuremberg, how could I not? I attended Beyond Tellerrand in Hamburg last year and have been dying to go again. Tickets are still available, join us if you can!



What you are looking at is my personal website, which I keep going since 1999, over many iterations. It was portfolio, then a blog, then a one pager, but always my personal playground on the web. And just this moment I flipped another switch! Now it is driven by a new social microblogging engine Max and I are working on right now. That software is so new, it does not have a proper name yet. Let’s see where this is going …

