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Homebrew Website Club @ Nürnberg Digital

Thanks to all the lovely people joining us for Homebrew Website Club last night! Such an inspiration to meet you all. Keep the web growing! See you next Wednesday, July 10, at LEONARDO co-working space (2nd floor).

Björn’s slides: stierand.org/talks/2024/indieweb-hwc/#*

My slides: tilman.me/content/posts/2024/07/2024-07-04_11-22-12_homebrew-website-club-nurnberg-digital/HWC-Talk-2024-07-03.pdf*

Max’ photos: photos.maxhaessle.in/2024-07-03_hwc*

Homebrew Website Club Gründungsgeschichte: tantek.com/2013/322/b1/homebrew-computer-club-reunion-inspiration*

Welcome to my 🧶 Knot site!

The web software package Max Häßlein and I are currently developing has a proper name now! It’s called „Knot“. You are looking at the second website that uses it! More soon.

Ok, this might be a big deal: Apple’s Vision OS will support WebXR Websites. I‘m already waiting for WebXR to get out of its niche. A world wide web of interconnected extended realities? Yes, please!

