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My Now page is a Now POST

While considering additions to this website, I recalled the recent trend of publishing "Now pages" on personal websites. It is popular in the IndieWeb community. The concept aims to bridge the gap between the typical "About" page and regular updates on a specific topic. A "Now page" answers the question of what the author is up to at the moment. This concept has gained significant popularity. Derek Sivers curates nownownow.com*, where he thoroughly explains the idea and provides links to over 2,800 Now pages. I find reading these pages highly enjoyable. When I first meet people on the web, it is great to read something (relatively) recent about them.

I would also like to create a Now page for myself here – Surprise! But for me it does not have to be a static page that is constantly being overwritten by updates. I am not only interested in what an author is doing now, but also in what he or she has done in the past. This is why I will not publish a Now PAGE, but instead a Now POST that is marked with the publication time and a special "Now" tag for easy filtering.

I‘m not sure whether the Knot Site module currently supports this tag filtering, so I think I will have to manually hard-code the link to the sidebar for the time being.

Knot Home as a web app in macOS Sonoma

Thanks to Apple’s new macOS 14.0 every web app can be pulled into its own window and run like a native app. Which works perfectly well with our Knot Home prototype!

Welcome to my 🧶 Knot site!

The web software package Max Häßlein and I are currently developing has a proper name now! It’s called „Knot“. You are looking at the second website that uses it! More soon.

Why isn't Mastodon good enough?

From the Nostr site: nostr.com/comparisons/mastodon* A lot is debatable, but an interesting point for me is: In ActivityPub "User identities are attached to domain names which are controlled by third-parties." That is, DNS servers, hosting providers, and non-profits like ICANN and DENIC.

Ethan Mollick on AI in education: "Just as calculators did not replace the need for learning math, AI will not replace the need for learning to write and think critically. It may take awhile to sort it out, but we will do so.“


